
Published on by Sandhan

Prostitute means a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money or  sell one's body; exchange sex for money. Everybody say prostitues are not good but did they think once? why she go to this profession? I use here word profession bcoj now a days it become profesion only but we can see rare case of forcement also. There are many reason to become prostitute some of the reasons are poverty, unemployment, due to family problem, to support family financially or so many reasons. They think that its only a easy way to earn a lot and sometimes its their on satisfaction or for need also. I thought this is not only way to earn money there are lot of ways too. Here we we have to thought again suppose if she is working any field sometime there also she was forced to do such things nowhere girls are safe. Sometime we say girls are on safemode but this is really wrongstatement given by us and as in 21st century wats going on think on it ..................
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Comment on this post
<br /> sometimes a women is not left with any option just to engage in such activities...we instead of talking should take some steps to curb this social evil....<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> prostitution shld nt b allwd as it is a vry big crime bt women shld also undrstnd hw bad it is.........government shld also take certain actions on it..........<br /> <br /> <br />