Published on by Sandhan

How Indecent Representation of women can be controlled and reduced which can help in improving her status and position in the society. These are as following:


Role of education

 Empowering of women through education should be the primary concern of every civilized society. It is only with the help of education that we can make this weaker section of society a stronger one, to fight against this social evil of society, i.e., Indecent Representation of Women.


Human Rights to be A Women

 Woman has the human right to be a woman. She has right to live with dignity and respect because being a human being, this right cannot be alienated from her. A strong determination or will power is needed on her part if she really wants to live a dignified life.


Simple living and high thinking

 Gone are the days when women used to believe in this famous saying, “Simple living and High thinking”. In order days she used to live in Pardah and there were less crimes against women at the time. But woman of today is wearing provocative and scanty dresses, a symbol of modernity and standard. Again this act is also responsible for blend of both modernity and traditionality and this is the need of the hour.


Role of  Mass Media

 Mass Media communication must be used for creating social awareness among women regarding this menace. Mostly women are not aware of their legal rights. They should be taught to lead a dignified life which is their fundamental right through media.

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<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> well, who so ever says that women are still secondary creature on the earth better read this article.....<br /> <br /> <br />